Message from Campus Chief

Welcome to the United National College. Education is the bedrock of social and economic development. Education enlightens us. To meet the challenges of Global business, Management & Hospitality Education plays a significant role.+2 HM, Mgmt, BHM & BBS program of U.N. COLLEGE is dedicated to excel in Hospitality industry & business education with real world Management Curriculum and sound theoretical knowledge followed by practical exposure and dissertation. U.N. Navodaya College will become a milestone to transform the dreams of parents and students into reality. The college will leave no stone unturned to create amicable atmosphere. As a Hotel Management & a business student, your life at U.N. will be full of activities and experiences because we focus on activity – based learning which is at the very heart of management & hospitality education.
Mr. Dambar Kumar Tumbapo
At U.N., education is not limited to academic interactions. We strongly encourage our students to understand the issue of facing an individual, corporate world, hospitality industry and the society at large and to be able to think imaginatively, clearly and objectively to solve these issues.
Through this UN website, you have had a glance of what U.N. is and what it is committed to offer you. I now encourage you to visit the college, meet our U. N. team, follow us on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, websites, Instagram and experience U.N. yourself.
Campus ChiefMr. Dambar Kumar Tumbapo